Bob Barker Speaks Out Against Pigeon Shoots

November 1, 2012

The indomitable animal defender and iconic former host of ‘The Price Is Right,’ Bob Barker has fired off letters to officials demanding animal cruelty investigations take place into the live pigeon shoots currently allowed in Pennsylvania.

Letters were sent to current Attorney General Linda L. Kelly, Governor Tom Corbett, and official candidates running for the office of Pennsylvania Attorney General this year, Kathleen Kane and David Freed appealing them to enforce PA Humane Law 5511 against the horrific animal cruelty occurring at the pigeon shoots.

Part of the letter states: “It is very distressing to me personally to see such appalling cruelty. This is not a hunt or sport, but a massacre of the cruelest kind. SHARK’s most recent video filmed at the Wing Pointe hunting club documents unspeakable acts of violence against docile, semi-tame and even banded pigeons.”

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