One of Spain's worst "festivals" of animal cruelty takes place in the village of Coria. A bull is forced to run for hours through the streets while villagers taunt the animal and throw darts at him. When the bull is too tired and weak from loss of blood to keep going, the villagers shoot him and cut off his testicles while he is still alive. Please join the international campaign against this appalling abuse.
This horrific cruelty occurs every year between June 23rd and June 29th.
The International Movement Against Bullfights and the Irish Council Against Blood Sports asks that anyone who cares about animals to urgently lodge a complaint with the authorities in Coria.

A bull with its body covered in darts stands facing the heartless villagers during Coria's shameful El Toro festival.
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Demand an End to Brazil's Bizarre Festival of Torture!
Begining in February, and throughout March up until Easter day, a twisted and sadistic "festival" known as "Farra do Boi" (translated as "Festival of the Ox") takes place in Brazil.
During this festival, countless oxen throughout the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina are horrifically and methodically tortured—just for fun. In the days before Farra do Boi begins, the oxen are starved; food and water are placed just out of the animals' reach. The days-long festival begins when drunken villagers release the oxen and chase, punch, kick, and attack the animals with sticks, knives, whips, stones, bamboo lances, ropes, and anything else they can get their hands on.
The torture escalates as the festival drags on. Eyes are rubbed with hot pepper and then gouged out; limbs are broken and tails are snapped and hacked off; some are doused with gasoline and set aflame. The "lucky" animals escape into the sea and drown. Any oxen who survive the torment are eventually killed, their flesh divided among the participants. For more information regarding this festival, click here to read the Brazilian Wikipedia entry translated into English.
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