We are pleased to announce that a planned pigeon shoot in North Carolina has been shut down thanks to the good work of the Rockingham County Sheriff and District Attorney!
SHARK received a tip about the shoot, which was supposed to have taken place last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in mid-January. We passed it on to HSUS, as we knew that they had worked on the pigeon shoot issue in North Carolina previously and had relevant information.
We thought the SHARK team would make the long trip to the shoot to expose the animal abuse on video, but HSUS stepped up and worked with local authorities who chose to do their job, and for that they deserve a lot of credit. Thanks to them, 8,000 pigeons that would have been shot, wounded, maimed and killed have been saved from horrific abuse and cruelty. We had planned on being at the shoot if it took place, but thankfully we didn’t have to.
SHARK received a tip about the shoot, which was supposed to have taken place last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in mid-January. We passed it on to HSUS, as we knew that they had worked on the pigeon shoot issue in North Carolina previously and had relevant information.
We thought the SHARK team would make the long trip to the shoot to expose the animal abuse on video, but HSUS stepped up and worked with local authorities who chose to do their job, and for that they deserve a lot of credit. Thanks to them, 8,000 pigeons that would have been shot, wounded, maimed and killed have been saved from horrific abuse and cruelty. We had planned on being at the shoot if it took place, but thankfully we didn’t have to.
What the Rockingham County authorities did not only saved lives, but it has exposed how nefarious the situation is in Pennsylvania, where pigeons shoots are equally illegal yet district attorneys have used their power to protect pigeon shooters from the law.

One of the innumerable victims of an illegal pigeon shoot held at the Philadelphia Gun Club. Bucks County DA David Heckler lets this happen. In North Carolina, they would shut it down.
The origin of pigeon shoots being illegal in Pennsylvania stems from a decision made by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in 1891. Although at that time the court overturned an animal cruelty conviction of a pigeon shooter at the Philadelphia Gun Club (PGC), they did so because they equated pigeons as being “game” animals, meaning they could be hunted and shot as other game animals could. However, they went on to say the following:
“...were there anything in the finding of the jury to show that the object of this association was to torture pigeons we would not hesitate to sustain the judgment of the court below.”
That statement meant was that pigeons were protected from torture by Pennsylvania’s animal cruelty statute which means that pigeons were protected as a species under the law. This is critical, especially as we now know as fact that today the Pennsylvania Game Commission has explicitly stated that pigeons are not considered game animals, as they were 120 years ago, meaning that pigeons should enjoy the full protection of the anti-cruelty statute and that shooting them as targets violates the law.
Why then, when faced with similar pigeon shoots, did the North Carolina District Attorney do his job, yet Berks County District Attorney John Adams and Bucks County District David Heckler abuse their power to protect the wealthy pigeon shooters in their jurisdiction? It all comes down to corruption.
Read about Adam's corruption in THIS report and watch our recent video exposing Heckler’s corruption in THIS video.
“...were there anything in the finding of the jury to show that the object of this association was to torture pigeons we would not hesitate to sustain the judgment of the court below.”
That statement meant was that pigeons were protected from torture by Pennsylvania’s animal cruelty statute which means that pigeons were protected as a species under the law. This is critical, especially as we now know as fact that today the Pennsylvania Game Commission has explicitly stated that pigeons are not considered game animals, as they were 120 years ago, meaning that pigeons should enjoy the full protection of the anti-cruelty statute and that shooting them as targets violates the law.
Why then, when faced with similar pigeon shoots, did the North Carolina District Attorney do his job, yet Berks County District Attorney John Adams and Bucks County District David Heckler abuse their power to protect the wealthy pigeon shooters in their jurisdiction? It all comes down to corruption.
Read about Adam's corruption in THIS report and watch our recent video exposing Heckler’s corruption in THIS video.

Two pigeons rescued at a PGC shoot and David Heckler, who has allowed that terrible cruelty and slaughter to continue.
You can write to Mr. Heckler on his Facebook page HERE and ask him why he continues to use his power to protect pigeon shooters. Please be polite and respectful.
Please email Sheriff Page and thank him for his effort:
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You can write Rockingham County District Attorney Craig Blitzer at this address and thank him as well:
The Honorable Craig Blitzer, DA District Attorney’s Office,
Prosecutorial District 17 A
PO Box 35, Wentworth NC 27375.
Read the news story about the shut down HERE
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You can write Rockingham County District Attorney Craig Blitzer at this address and thank him as well:
The Honorable Craig Blitzer, DA District Attorney’s Office,
Prosecutorial District 17 A
PO Box 35, Wentworth NC 27375.
Read the news story about the shut down HERE
Civil Rights Groups Fail in Pennsylvania
Adolph Antanavage is a longtime pigeon shooter who was made a judge in the Court of Common Pleas in Berks County, PA. Antanavage has shot pigeons multiple times in front of a Confederate flag that waved proudly at the Wing Pointe canned hunt club in Berks County, PA. SHARK reached out to three civil rights organizations who have expressed concern about the Confederate flag to alert them about this situation and ask them to take action.

Adolph Antanavage shooting pigeons in front of a Confederate flag in the same county where he is now a judge.
As you will see in our new video, none of these organizations have responded. We are now asking you to politely and respectfully ask them why they have done nothing about this scandal and that they finally take action.

Adolph Antanavage shooting pigeons in front of a Confederate flag in the same county where he is now a judge.
As you will see in our new video, none of these organizations have responded. We are now asking you to politely and respectfully ask them why they have done nothing about this scandal and that they finally take action.
Watch the video HERE

SHARK's Recent Videos
See How Rodeo People “LOVE” their animals!

Rodeo people claim they love their animals. The case of Wade Steffen challenges the claim.
Rodeo and Domestic Violence

The rodeo industry claims it opposes domestic violence. This video takes a look at the validity of that claim.
SHARK Urges Aerosmith - DON’T Play at the Cruel Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo!!!
The legendary rock band Aerosmith is scheduled to play at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo (CFD) in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on July 22, 2015. In SHARK’s considerable experience of more than two decades, CFD is the most brutal and deadly rodeo in the world. SHARK has documented one horror after the other, with many animals severely injured or killed.
Our Aerosmith petition currently has just over 4,280 signatures. We need tens of thousands of signatures, if not more.
If Aerosmith withdraws from the rodeo, it will send a shock wave across two worlds - the world of rodeo, and the world of entertainment. Please don’t let rodeo victims down, when doing something for them is as easy as signing a petition!
Our Aerosmith petition currently has just over 4,280 signatures. We need tens of thousands of signatures, if not more.
If Aerosmith withdraws from the rodeo, it will send a shock wave across two worlds - the world of rodeo, and the world of entertainment. Please don’t let rodeo victims down, when doing something for them is as easy as signing a petition!
Watch our video asking Aerosmith to cancel their performance HERE
CFD, like other rodeos, uses the attraction of rock bands to subsidize their cruelty. That’s why we are asking caring fans of Aerosmith to encourage the band to cancel its show.
Please politely contact Aerosmith and ask them to cancel their performance at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo.

Help SHARK Fight For Animals

After six years of extremely hard work, numerous victories and advancements for the cause of animal protection, the funds generously donated by TV legend Bob Barker are gone.
We need your help. Our resources are running extremely low. Our efforts in Pennsylvania and other parts of the country have ground to a halt. If we are to continue to stand up and fight for animals, we need your generous support.
Those who mercilessly slaughter innocent pigeons for fun are extremely wealthy. Beside their own personal multimillions, they also have the vast wealth and lobbying resources of the National Rifle Association on their side.
SHARK is the engine of change for pigeon shoots in Pennsylvania. Senator James Inhofe’s cruelty and illegal pigeon slaughter would have gone unnoticed but for our uncover operation to expose him. Rodeos throughout the country have been exposed not because of local humane organizations, but because SHARK went there to get the job done. In 2014 we were in 8 states. The way things stand now, we won’t be going anywhere in the new year.
Your donations are our fuel. We cannot run without you. Please don’t let our progress against this monstrous cruelty come to a grinding halt.
You can donate HERE or mail a check to:
SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness
PO Box 28
Geneva IL 60134
Thank you!
SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness
PO Box 28
Geneva IL 60134
Thank you!