Last year, SHARK exposed a horrifically cruel live pigeon shoot that was to be held as a fundraiser for the Prior Lakes, Minnesota chapter of Ducks Unlimited. We made THIS video calling out Ducks Unlimited. To its credit, Ducks Unlimited quickly shut the shoot down and replaced it with a clay target shoot.
Ducks Unlimited Senior Communications Specialist Matt Coffey explained the shutdown this way:
"We have policies in place holding our staff and local volunteers to high ethical and moral standards, and do not condone wanton waste of wildlife or other animals. To avoid the potential for wanton waste, the event committee has decided to change the live pigeon event to a sporting clays shoot."
Sadly, the Prior Lakes chapter of Ducks Unlimited is planning another pigeon shoot for March 19th. SHARK is again asking Ducks Unlimited’s national leaders to shut this down before 2,000 innocent birds are shot, wounded, crippled and viciously killed.
Here is the flyer for the shoot. Note how event organizers are calling it a "driven hunt.” They claim they are “harvesting" the pigeons and that they will be given to people to eat. US Senator James Inhofe tried to spin his cruel pigeon shoot the same way last year, but we exposed that as a lie in THIS video.
Let’s hope that the national leaders of Ducks Unlimited have more integrity than those in the Prior Lakes chapter.
Please call and write to Ducks Unlimited and politely ask that they follow their own standards and stop this horror before it happens. Let them know that if this slaughter takes place, then Ducks Unlimited reputation will be forever stained. Please let us know of any response you receive.
Dale Hall
(901) 758-3825
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Matt Coffey
Senior Communications Specialist
(901) 758-3764
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SHARK's Latest Videos
SHARK Delivers More Than 130,000 Lessons In Rodeo Cruelty!
On January 23, SHARK uploaded a video called “Rodeo’s Dirty Dozen Excuses for Abuse.” We wanted to make it a “top ten” video, but ten excuses just weren't enough. For that matter, twelve excuses weren’t enough either, but we had to stop somewhere.
The video went viral, and a little over a month later, we have over 130,000 views, meaning a whole bunch of people can now argue in a coherent way against the cruelty of rodeos.
When you support SHARK, you are not only helping us to help animals, but you are helping us to educate others so they can also reach out and touch the world with information that will help more animals.
Watch the video HERE.

When SHARK released a YouTube video and started a petition to publicize the band Aerosmith’s planned concert at the Cheyenne Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyoming, we hoped the band would take notice of the animal cruelty it would end up supporting by way of ticket sales. Instead, and to our great disappointment, Aerosmith has now signed to play at another infamous rodeo in Salinas, California. We wish it hadn’t come to this, but SHARK has released a second video about the band, and in this video, SHARK president Steve Hindi writes off a band of which he was a fan for more than four decades.
Steve put it this way:
“In our first video about Aerosmith, I said I was a big fan for some four decades, and that is absolutely true. I also said I don’t support those who partner with animal abusers, and that is also true. Now push has come to shove, and so Aerosmith, with regret, you can shove off.”

Promoters of the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo claimed they stopped shocking horses years ago, but SHARK caught them doing it again. Now, one newspaper - the Wyoming Tribune Eagle - is calling the rodeo out. Watch the video HERE.

According to the January 28, 2015 edition of the Calgary Sun, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) is tightening its rules about calf roping.
While there is much more to be done to address rodeo animal abuse issues, SHARK applauds this move as long overdue. As THIS VIDEO demonstrates, there will be a great deal of pressure to weaken or rescind this step forward. SHARK encourages the PRCA to stand firm.

The National Rifle Association is advertising on SHARK videos. Thanks guys! We'll be happy to use the money you give us to expose you!
Also, SHARK President Steve Hindi discusses the NRA's refusal to debate him about the organization's continuing support of live pigeon shoots. Watch the video HERE.