SHARK has released undercover video from a multi-month undercover operation that has exposed a cruel deer kill at the Will County Forest Preserve in Illinois.
Yesterday I provided the video and made a detailed statement criticizing the deer kill at the Will County Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioner's meeting.
This was a major undercover operation for SHARK, where we had hidden cameras placed near the bait sites from December 11, 2014 through February 5th of this year. We made such a strong effort because these types of heinous deer kills taking place in secret are spreading across our country. They must be exposed and fought against.
SHARK has released undercover video from a multi-month undercover operation that has exposed a cruel deer kill at the Will County Forest Preserve in Illinois.
Yesterday I provided the video and made a detailed statement criticizing the deer kill at the Will County Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioner's meeting.
This was a major undercover operation for SHARK, where we had hidden cameras placed near the bait sites from December 11, 2014 through February 5th of this year. We made such a strong effort because these types of heinous deer kills taking place in secret are spreading across our country. They must be exposed and fought against.
Watch the video HERE.
Read our statement to the Will County Forest Preserve's Board of Commissioners HERE.
Read our statement to the Will County Forest Preserve's Board of Commissioners HERE.

Blood from a wounded deer that was recorded at the Will County Forest Preserve
What we documented raises numerous questions about not only the way the program operates and the treatment of the deer, but why there is a deer killing program at all. We believe an independent review is in order to look at the disturbing issues raised by our video documentation. We will be happy to work with those who might conduct such a review..
Please call the Forest Preserve District of Will County at 815-727-8700, and very politely ask that the killing stop, and that nonlethal options be explored. You can also email them HERE.
Please also read these articles and post comments. As you will see, instead of facing the reality of the deer kill, they are now looking to attack SHARK. We will update you as this issue progresses.