“When they are so desperate that they claim our footage was shot somewhere else, they are admitting that what we shot is cruel and unacceptable.” SHARK President Steve Hindi
SHARK continues to fight for the victims of last winter’s deer slaughter in the Forest Preserve District of Will County, Illinois. Our undercover footage shows one deer being dragged away while still moving, another left to lie for more than an hour after being shot, and another deer who escaped, demonstrating that the “sharpshooters” aren’t very sharp.
District President Suzanne Hart claimed that the deer are so numerous that they are “starving to death.” Therefore, according to Ms. Hart, they need to be killed.
We responded to this utter nonsense with the District’s kill records, which includes the weights of the slaughtered deer. The District’s own records showed that the deer are at a healthy weight. But we were just getting warmed up.
Now the District is in desperation mode, and it is again Ms. Hart who tried to put a new and even more outrageous spin on reality. Ms. Hart is claiming that our undercover footage was NOT shot in Will County forest preserves.
The reason for Ms. Hart’s false claim is clear - THE KILLERS CAN’T DEFEND WHAT THEY DID, so all they are left with is deny, deny, deny.
We weren’t going to take such nonsense lying down, so we challenged the Commissioners to meet with us on April 14, at the bait site where some of our video was recorded. We were there, but not a single commissioner showed up.

SHARK president Steve Hindi points out to Nick Reiher, Managing Editor of the Bugle Newspaper that a view at the McKinley Woods preserve is the same as the undercover video of the deer kill, proving where the video was shot.
This is not the first time deer killers have tried to deny their actions. The following link goes to a reproduction of a Press Publications editorial on the DuPage County Forest Preserve District deer kill twenty years ago:
Show up or shut up: http://www.sharkonline.org/index.php/deer-kills/50-rocket-netting-in-dupage-illinois/372-show-up-or-shut-up
Obviously, the media was neither pleased nor impressed with DuPage County’s attempts to escape responsibility. The ploy didn’t work in DuPage then, and it won’t work in Will now.
SHARK must now defend its reputation against false claims. Our documentation was shot where we say it was shot, and we cannot allow public officials to claim otherwise without challenge. On April 14 we gave those individuals the opportunity to make their case, and they declined.
Like a plague, government deer kills are increasing and spreading out across the country. Our movement needs evidence to show the public the reality of what is happening to deer.
SHARK is the only animal protection organization prepared to catch the killers and expose them, but we need your help to do it. Please help us, because you are the fuel for this effort. We can’t do it without you.
SHARK continues to fight for the victims of last winter’s deer slaughter in the Forest Preserve District of Will County, Illinois. Our undercover footage shows one deer being dragged away while still moving, another left to lie for more than an hour after being shot, and another deer who escaped, demonstrating that the “sharpshooters” aren’t very sharp.
District President Suzanne Hart claimed that the deer are so numerous that they are “starving to death.” Therefore, according to Ms. Hart, they need to be killed.
We responded to this utter nonsense with the District’s kill records, which includes the weights of the slaughtered deer. The District’s own records showed that the deer are at a healthy weight. But we were just getting warmed up.
Now the District is in desperation mode, and it is again Ms. Hart who tried to put a new and even more outrageous spin on reality. Ms. Hart is claiming that our undercover footage was NOT shot in Will County forest preserves.
The reason for Ms. Hart’s false claim is clear - THE KILLERS CAN’T DEFEND WHAT THEY DID, so all they are left with is deny, deny, deny.
We weren’t going to take such nonsense lying down, so we challenged the Commissioners to meet with us on April 14, at the bait site where some of our video was recorded. We were there, but not a single commissioner showed up.

SHARK president Steve Hindi points out to Nick Reiher, Managing Editor of the Bugle Newspaper that a view at the McKinley Woods preserve is the same as the undercover video of the deer kill, proving where the video was shot.
This is not the first time deer killers have tried to deny their actions. The following link goes to a reproduction of a Press Publications editorial on the DuPage County Forest Preserve District deer kill twenty years ago:
Show up or shut up: http://www.sharkonline.org/index.php/deer-kills/50-rocket-netting-in-dupage-illinois/372-show-up-or-shut-up
Obviously, the media was neither pleased nor impressed with DuPage County’s attempts to escape responsibility. The ploy didn’t work in DuPage then, and it won’t work in Will now.
SHARK must now defend its reputation against false claims. Our documentation was shot where we say it was shot, and we cannot allow public officials to claim otherwise without challenge. On April 14 we gave those individuals the opportunity to make their case, and they declined.
Like a plague, government deer kills are increasing and spreading out across the country. Our movement needs evidence to show the public the reality of what is happening to deer.
SHARK is the only animal protection organization prepared to catch the killers and expose them, but we need your help to do it. Please help us, because you are the fuel for this effort. We can’t do it without you.
Please continue to politely contact the Will County Forrest Preserve Board of Commissioners, and urge them to authorize an independent investigation into the deer kill operation:
Suzanne Hart, President of the Board of Commissioners: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please CC the remaining commissioners using the following email addresses:
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