Sussex Christian School Scuttles Plans for Future Rodeos!
On the weekend of May 16 and 17, SHARK went undercover at two rodeos in New Jersey. The first rodeo was held in North Jersey as a fundraiser for the Sussex Christian School. We released a video exposing the cruelty and asked the school to no longer associate with rodeos.
On the weekend of May 16 and 17, SHARK went undercover at two rodeos in New Jersey. The first rodeo was held in North Jersey as a fundraiser for the Sussex Christian School. We released a video exposing the cruelty and asked the school to no longer associate with rodeos.
On June 29th, 2015, we received an email from the school that said they will not host the rodeo next year. This was great news and we applaud the Sussex Christian School for choosing not to hold another cruel fundraiser!

This young calf was one of many brutalized at the 2015 Sussex Christian School Rodeo. Thankfully there won't be a 2016 rodeo!
NJ Mexican Rodeo Possibly Banned from County Owned Facility, Loses Alcohol Permits
The second rodeo we were at was a Mexican rodeo that was held at the Gloucester County-owned equestrian center called the DreamPark. We not only exposed the vicious beating and electroshocking of a bull, but also serious alcohol abuse, including one man who was drinking beer while operating a dangerous electric prod.
Watch our video HERE.

This poor bull was mercilessly whipped and electroshocked.
This issue has received a lot of media attention. SHARK held a press conference, and promised to file a complaint with the NJ Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). Yesterday, July 6th, we received a response from the ABC that stated:
“I have been in contact with Ms. Ale from the Gloucester County Dream Park, and she advised that the rodeo company will no longer be allowed at that venue. In addition, this Division has denied all other permits that the rodeo company has applied for.”
We are still trying to confirm from Gloucester County that the rodeo has been permanently banned, but it is doubtful that a county official would have mislead a state investigator. However, and just as important, was how serious the state of NJ took the alcohol abuse we recorded and have denied other permits for this rodeo. Alcohol was a major factor and source of income at the rodeo we attended so this is truly good news.

A rodeo worker drinks a beer while using a dangerous electric prod.
We are continuing to investigate this extraordinarily cruel rodeo and will have more updates in the near future.
“Pennsylvania governor urged to unseat Confederate flag-flying, animal-abusing judge”
Adolph Antanavage is a long-time pigeon shooter who was appointed to be a judge in the Court of Common Please in Berks County by former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett.

In 2014, we exposed how Judge Antanavage shot pigeons at the notorious Wing Pointe canned hunt club when a large Confederate flag was proudly displayed. This was covered by a columnist for the Allentown Morning Call at the time, but Antanavage refused to speak to the press. In the wake of the terrible tragedy in South Carolina, a national consensus has formed that the Confederate flag is a symbol of bigotry and hate. We have therefore renewed our call for Antanavage to be removed from the bench because of what he did.

In 2014, we exposed how Judge Antanavage shot pigeons at the notorious Wing Pointe canned hunt club when a large Confederate flag was proudly displayed. This was covered by a columnist for the Allentown Morning Call at the time, but Antanavage refused to speak to the press. In the wake of the terrible tragedy in South Carolina, a national consensus has formed that the Confederate flag is a symbol of bigotry and hate. We have therefore renewed our call for Antanavage to be removed from the bench because of what he did.
Please contact Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and politely ask him to remove Antanavage from the bench: 717-787-2500
Watch our new video HERE
Read the article on RawStory:
“Pennsylvania governor urged to unseat Confederate flag-flying, animal-abusing judge”
“Pennsylvania governor urged to unseat Confederate flag-flying, animal-abusing judge”
SHARK Will Be At the Annual Animal Rights National Conference
On July 30 - August 2, 2015, SHARK will be at the annual Animal Rights National Conference.
This year the conference will be held at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Hotel located in Alexandria, VA. Steve Hindi and other SHARK investigators will speak about our animal cruelty investigations (rodeos, pigeon shoots, government deer kills, animal scrambles, pig wrestling, the merciless slaughter of cownose rays) and numerous other animal issues.
This year the conference will be held at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Hotel located in Alexandria, VA. Steve Hindi and other SHARK investigators will speak about our animal cruelty investigations (rodeos, pigeon shoots, government deer kills, animal scrambles, pig wrestling, the merciless slaughter of cownose rays) and numerous other animal issues.

Steve Hindi will be discussing all the great work the Angels have done and can do for the animals.
SHARK's other revolutionary hi-tech equipment will be on display, including our long range camera lens, and the Hi-Pod that raises a camera 31 feet into the air.
SHARK will be educating and encouraging conference attendees to get more active to help stop animal cruelty. Animal cruelty is thriving and the animals need a lot more help from everyone.
For more information on the conference, go to: AR Conference.
While you are at the conference, be sure to stop by the SHARK exhibit, we would love to see you.