
April 22, 2016



SHARK is in the middle of a major campaign to save thousands of cormorants from slaughter by the notorious Wildlife Services.  

Read the story:  
Activists halt cormorant culling on Columbia River

Watch our new video:
SHARK and Last Chance for Animals
Stop Taxpayer-Funded Mass Slaughter of Cormorants

We need your help!  Each day we are on the water it costs at least $500. Please make a generous donation so that we can continue to save these beautiful birds.
Please donate to help this campaign HERE

Cormorants on East Sand Island. You can help us save these animals
Please contact your two United State Senators and politely ask that they stop this senseless killing:
Find your two senators HERE

SHARK President Steve Hindi and LCA President Chris DeRose on the Bob & Nancy, SHARK's boat, just off East Sand Island

Wildlife Services killers running from us!

University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

Click here to watch our videos exposing Northern Illinois University!

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